Anno 2021

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Elena L. Lappa

Aristotle’s Motion, Change and Contrariety as Key Factors for our Understanding of the Physical World

Abstract The issue of motion and change holds a central position in Aristotle’s Philosophy of Nature. In this paper, I will attempt to treat Aristotle’s theory of motion in close relation to his categories of potentiality (δυνάμει) and actuality (ἐνεργείᾳ), as well as his theory of contrarieties, so as to show that his doctrine of the physical world is a dynamic and not static one. A central place in the discussion holds the analysis of the basic definition of motion and the attempt to analyse motion as the process of the realization of the potential, the transition from potentiality (δυνάμει) to actuality (ἐνεργείᾳ), which leads to a dynamic picture of the physical world.


Dimitra Balla, Zacharias Scouras

Aristotle and Darwin on the Birds’ Beaks: Evolutionary Affinities

Abstract The aim of this paper is to shed light on the affinities between Aristotle’s and Darwin’s approaches to birds, which are treated by both biologists as systems of structures and functions that operate in their environment and become affected by it. To this purpose, we will take a close look into relevant passages from the On the Parts of Animals and the Journal of Researches, where adaptation explanations of the form of the beak across different species within a group are developed.


Efthymios Pappas

La materia prima in Aristotele nel XX e XXI secolo

Abstract L’intento di questo saggio è quello di esaminare e spiegare alcuni aspetti dello sviluppo del concetto di materia prima in Aristotele in confronto con l’avvento delle nuove scoperte relative alla teoria quantistica che hanno cambiato in profondità il concetto di sostanza.

The aim of this essay is to examine and explain some aspects of the development of the concept of prime matter in Aristotle in comparison with the advent of new discoveries relating to quantum theory that have profoundly changed the concept of substance.


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